What size tattoo needle is best for stick and poke? – Kyoto2.org (2025)

What size tattoo needle is best for stick and poke?

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The most popular one used for stick and poke tattoos is #12 with a diameter of 0.35mm. You may also want to use #10 or 0.30mm as it is great for finer lines. The smaller the diameter, the less ink flow. That said, smaller needles such as #6 and #8 do provide more control.

Can you use tattoo needles for stick and poke?

Well, there is no specific stick and poke needle. People either use sewing needles or professional tattoo needles. The best needles for stick and poke tattoos are by far professional tattoo needles. They are safe, give you unmatched control and are inexpensive.

Do piercing needles work for stick and poke?

You can use a normal sewing needle but a tattoo needle works the best. We recommend not using a hollow piercing needle or a safety pin. Try to be sensible!

What ink do I use for a stick and poke?

India Ink
Use India Ink Do not use just any old ink for your stick and poke. Ink, like the ink from your pen, is not sterile and can be highly toxic. A non-toxic ink, like India ink, would be your best bet. It’s natural, carbon-based, and less likely to cause infection.

What’s the difference between RL and RS tattoo needles?

Round Liner (RL): Round liner needles are for lining and outlining the designs. These are tightly grouped needles, organised in a circular form. Round Shader (RS): Round shader needles are for shading. These are needle points organised in a circular form, but not as tightly grouped as a round liner.

How deep do you go for a stick and poke?

The process involves sterilizing and shaving the subject’s skin, and then tattooing – no deeper than 2mm. With such an easy process, Dani has given stick and pokes to dozens of people, usually friends looking to get something dumb to laugh about. “It’s not a life-long commitment, cause they don’t last forever.

Why did my stick and poke peel off?

The top layers of your skin will seem to hold a lot of very bright color. As your tattoo heals, these top two layers of skin will peel off, and the ink that was stuck in those cells will come off with it.

Can you get an infection from a stick and poke?

Either a non-sterile needle or improperly cleaned skin can lead to bacteria entering breaks in the skin. This can lead to infections such as cellulitis, a skin infection that can spread rapidly and that, when severe, can require treatment with intravenous antibiotics.

Is Sharpie ink toxic for stick and poke?

Long story short, you should not use sharpie ink for stick and poke tattoos. While many of their markers are advertised as non-toxic. This only applies to external contact. Inhaling the fumes while extracting the ink or possibly going too deep and depositing sharpie ink into your bloodstream can be very dangerous.

Is Bic pen ink toxic for tattoos?

Pen ink is very rarely toxic and unless you ingest a lot of it, you should be fine. If some symptoms do appear, look for medical help. Play safe and don’t try any tricks with pen ink and tattoos. Not only it won’t look pretty, you can get a very bad infection and you don’t want any of that.

What voltage should a lining tattoo be?

Six volts is appropriate for lining. Most tattoo artists adjust voltage by listening carefully to the sound of the gun–it should produce a steady buzz or a hum. The sound shouldn’t crackle or sound make a staccato noise such such as those made by machine guns or typewriters.

What tattoo needles are best for beginners?

If you’re just starting out, you’ll want to focus on round shaders in sizes 3, 5, 7, and 9 for some shading and filling in small areas. Round needles use the same size tube, so if you’re using a 9RL needle, you’ll use a 9R tube.

What are 3RL tattoo needles used for?

Tattoo Needle Sizes and Uses Chart

Needle GroupingTube SizeCommon uses
1RL, 3RL1 – 3 roundLines, intricate shading, and fill-in
4RL, 5RL4 – 5 roundOutlines, shading, and fill-in
7RL7 roundShading and color fill
8RL, 9RL8 – 9 roundShading, thick outlines, and color fill

Where do stick n pokes not hurt?

…and the least painful place to get a stick and poke tattoo By this same logic, getting a hand poke tattoo on such parts of the body as the thighs, biceps, and triceps will likely be less painful, Missaghi says, since these areas tend to be less bony and have more muscle mass.

Do stick and poke tattoos fade away?

On average, a stick and poke tattoo will last between five and ten years depending on where it is and how it’s been cared for. After this length of time, a stick and poke tattoo will generally look very washed out and faded. Hand and finger designs often fade within a few years since we wash these places regularly.

Can you donate blood after a stick and poke tattoo?

In most states, you may be eligible to give blood immediately after getting ink as long as the tattoo was applied by a state-regulated entity using sterile needles and ink that is not reused.

How long do stick n pokes last?

On average, a stick and poke tattoo will last between five and ten years depending on where it is and how it’s been cared for. After this length of time, a stick and poke tattoo will generally look very washed out and faded.

Where is the safest place to do a stick and poke tattoo?

What size tattoo needle is best for stick and poke? – Kyoto2.org (2025)
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